Australia's Uranium Energy Resource

Australia's uranium has been mined since 1954, and four mines are currently operating. Of the world's proven estimated uranium reserves 23% are held in Australia ahead of Kazakhstan other main world reserves are held in the Russian Federation. In 2011-12 Australia produced 7700 tonnes of uranium oxide concentrate. It is the world's third-ranking producer, behind Kazakhstan and Canada.

Australia uses no nuclear power, but with high reliance on coal and likely carbon constraints on electricity generation, it remains a possibility. In the 1930s ores were mined at Radium Hill and Mount Painter in SA to recover radium for medical purposes. As a result a few hundred kilograms of uranium were also produced. Australia's uranium is sold strictly for electrical power generation only, and safeguards are in place to ensure this. Australia is a party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty as a non-nuclear weapons state.

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