Kentucky lawmakers say agreement keeps Paducah uranium plant open for another year, saves 1,200 jobs

Paducah uranium plant

An agreement to process exhausted uranium at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant will keep the sprawling facility open for a different year and preserve 1,200 jobs, Kentucky lawmakers and federal energy officials announced Tuesday.

A series of arrangements concerning the federal government and energy suppliers will provide a market for the uranium Energy Secretary Steven Chu said in a statement.The Paducah plant was listed to close at the end of this month.

The deal marks a turnaround in the Obama administration’s reluctance to keep the Paducah plant running. The agreement also is a victory for Republican lawmakers Mitch McConnell, the Senate GOP leader; Sen. Rand Paul; and Rep. Ed Whitfield; all of whom appeared to be fighting long odds presently months ago.

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