Ready to resolve nuclear issues, says Iran

nuclear issues

Iran is ready to resolve all nuclear issues in the subsequently round of talks with world powers if the West starts lifting sanctions, its foreign minister said on Monday. In an interview with the Iranian student news organization ISNA, Ali Akbar Salehi also hinted that Iran can make concessions on its higher-grade uranium enrichment; a key concern of Western powers which suspect Iran is covertly increasing a nuclear weapons capability. Tehran denies the accusations.

Both sides said they were content with progress complete in Saturday's talks in Istanbul which did not go into detail but, unlike previous rounds of negotiations, stayed on the subject of Iran's nuclear program. "If the West wants to take confidence-building actions it should start in the field of sanctions since this action can speed up the process of negotiations reaching results," Salehi was quoted as saying.

"If there is goodwill, one can pass through this process very easily and we are ready to decide all issues very quickly and simply and even in the Baghdad meeting," he added, referring to a second round of talks with world powers planned to take place in the Iraqi capital on May 23. It is unclear whether the Iranian foreign minister was signifying the lifting of sanctions prior to Iran taking steps to assure the West over its nuclear activities, but Washington has said that would not be acceptable.

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